Here's a little video & picture representation of our journey....
Norah's 1 - - - Our Journey
And a little letter to my love:
Dear Norah,
My sweet little angel! You have transformed me...more than I ever thought was possible. My selflessness with you has proved more than I thought myself capable. I transformed into someone who thinks, loves & cares for you over everything else. I've learned how to juggle (metaphorically) of course between learning you, even when it means letting you cry 2 nights ago when you were fighting daddy and I to go to sleep. I was there with you...watching your every angry move & cry, crying right along with you. Your daddy and I have a world full of love to show you!!! We can't wait for the journey ahead but I felt it fitting to take a small pause in our very hectic lives right now to jot down a few feelings about this momentous occasion.
Your character, your desire for exploration & food have been such a joy to watch! I'm continuously thinking of things we 'must share with Norah'! I guess that's why daddy saved you an email address so we can share things now so we won't have to store them all up...because life is going so quickly these days and we don't want to forget know old people. Thank goodness for accessibility to video, pictures and all things to document our fun journey as a family. We try to focus on the good primarily although we'll get through any of the tough times as a family too!
Dear Norah,
My sweet little angel! You have transformed me...more than I ever thought was possible. My selflessness with you has proved more than I thought myself capable. I transformed into someone who thinks, loves & cares for you over everything else. I've learned how to juggle (metaphorically) of course between learning you, even when it means letting you cry 2 nights ago when you were fighting daddy and I to go to sleep. I was there with you...watching your every angry move & cry, crying right along with you. Your daddy and I have a world full of love to show you!!! We can't wait for the journey ahead but I felt it fitting to take a small pause in our very hectic lives right now to jot down a few feelings about this momentous occasion.
Almost 1 year ago today I was finally feeling the real contractions, not any of those Braxton hicks, that would help me push you into this world and that would let daddy & I hear that first amazing scream of a cry. My goodness you have some lungs on you. That day started our journey together as a family. We have watched you develop so quickly before our eyes and been marveling at your tenacity, drive & intelligence. You've been milestones ahead of all of my weekly baby updates and because of this daddy & my own parenting abilities have been tested at times, the first set of many I'm sure.
Your character, your desire for exploration & food have been such a joy to watch! I'm continuously thinking of things we 'must share with Norah'! I guess that's why daddy saved you an email address so we can share things now so we won't have to store them all up...because life is going so quickly these days and we don't want to forget know old people. Thank goodness for accessibility to video, pictures and all things to document our fun journey as a family. We try to focus on the good primarily although we'll get through any of the tough times as a family too!
I love watching you play with some of your favorite toys, the little piano that makes little star pieces fly up when you hit the keys, your drums, the random leprechaun pen that punches, your baby doll stroller & anything else you can fit in your hands...
You love bath time, except when mommy gets soap in your eyes or when daddy dumps your rinse pale on you half drowning you. Lol! As long as you are able to be free to explore and mommy and daddy are close by you are a pretty content little girl, although eating at restaurants has become quite the stressor for us lately. You do not like to be immobilized. Lol.
You've been desperately trying to talk and have mastered just a few words, the most unmistakable and hilarious is your 'whhhhaaaT?' This seems to be your response to everything. Your first 'official' world was dada though. Your daddy was worried I would be upset that your first word wasn't momma but I know how much that man means to both of us so I'm grateful that you said that first. I was actually quite a treat for me to watch you yell it at my iPhone when we facetimed daddy who was training for his new job. You were empathic! So sweet!

You are still a little thing, which we assumed you would be. You're average for weight and head circumference but you're kind of a little shorty, only in the 12% percentile for height on your 1st birthday! But daddy and is aren't super tall people so you for right in :)
I strive to teach you much about our world but I don't think I could give you any greater gift than to give you roots to grow & wings to fly...
...and I will do so until the day I die!!!
All of these things may interest you when you're older and curious about what you were like as a baby, much as I was curious about myself. But just know this: Norah Renee St. Pierre, whom I carried and created with your amazing daddy, I love you more than I love life itself! You are my heart! ...& the saying that I found when we were proofing your newborn photos 'Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is the decision to forever have your heart walking around outside your body!' by Elizabeth stone, is so true!
I love you angel!
- Your mommy
- Your mommy
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