How bittersweet that our wedding has now passed! It was amazing, wonderful, fantastic and truly magical!
I think the most talked about event occurrence was Paul's expression as I walked down the aisle. It was quite an ordeal to keep him from seeing my dress or me in it for the last year so when it was FINALLY time to walk down the aisle to make him my husband I was excited about him seeing me.
The whole day of the wedding all I wanted was to hurry up and get into my dress. It's what I had waited for and dreamed of since the day I fell in love with Paul. He had become my EVERYTHING in life and I wanted to show him what that truly meant to me.
The wait seemed endless though. Hair and makeup was a dream. To be pampered and get exactly what I want. It wasn't like me to be sitting in a salon chair 'barking' orders at someone to make me beautiful but I relished in the event because it was all for that one special moment. When hair & makeup was done it was time to go to the venue and finish the process of getting ready.
Our photographer was amazingly helpful and I was surrounded by some of the most amazing women in my life: my sweet momma and momma-to-be, my best friend from birth, my best friend from college and my two wonderful sisters. Each one sharing in a sweet, memorable moment in the bridal sweet waiting for all of the final touches to be done to the venue. I had mistakenly counted on being able to help in those last few hours as all of the little details were being done...Oops! Can't let anyone see me in my dress.

In those last few moments I thought about how our photographer had tried to convince us to do a first glance! Which clueless to me before the wedding really just means that you have an opportunity with your hunny before the big moment to see each other, calm down and take a few pictures. While I understood it would be the best idea when trying to get as many pics as possible of us in good light, something that we'd have forever to remember, but I fought the temptation because I wanted right before I walked down the aisle to be 'the' moment he first saw his bride! A moment in time that seemed like a lifetime in the making. Also, the reason that I fought to have 'god blessed the broken road' as our first dance song. Because God truly did bless the broken road that led me straight to Paul. No one's life is without hardship, sacrifice or a few tears but when it all lead me to this moment. With the man of my dreams waiting for me...I was there!
So I was tucked behind the bridal suite door all alone for what seemed like an eternity. My sweet papa was waiting outside that door with his arm out and waiting. I love my dad so much and to have him tell me I looked beautiful right before he walked me down the aisle was so touching and will last a lifetime with me.
We began walking...
I walked straight to the fireplace and turned. I expected to see Paul's beautiful soft brown eyes opened wide as could be starring back at me as I rounded that corner. But he wasn't even looking at me. He had his head cocked back slightly and was looking into the sky.
Curious I thought but I continued to walk and as I reached the two wooden steps to begin the journey into marriage (and trying not to slip and bust it in my dress) I looked up to see Paul's eye FINALLY on me, his bride!
His eyes lit up like the fourth of July and the expression on his face is one that I will cherish for the rest of my life! It was like a child walking into the doors of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. He made me feel beautiful!

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