Must love dogs...

For anyone who has dogs or has had dogs, you know that they are like your children. You let them get away with EVERYTHING!!! They sleep on your bed, and make you scoot over to the side like you're not the one that bought the damn thing, scratch on your door, bark and wake you up, etc., etc., etc.
But, the love that you have for them is very REAL! And the loss that one feels when they are stripped from you is all too real too! I had the painstaking decision around 6 years ago to put down a pup for severe behavioral issues. It still hurts. And the loss of our sweet puppy Jager is all too current and real too!
I've had so much guilt about our dogs going from being our kids before our kids, to being dogs. While I love those fools, unfortunately we don't give them as much attention as they deserve. Their walks have gotten shorter, and far less frequent than I'd care to say and my patience is almost nonexistent. But, the moments that we share together will never be
RIP Jager
December 2001 - February 2015
Shadow Box for our beloved Jager |
Jager *aka YaYa* would have turned 15 this year. He was just about 100 in pup years by the time the end came. It was a sad sad day. Paul and I went together to the vet's office, but I'm not sure I held it together for Paul very well. He is my always put together stoic husband, and even though his heart was breaking right before me, he was still comforting to me as I balled like a baby. Even though it was one of the hardest things we have ever done, we knew it had to be done. His body was doing great for an old man, but he had doggy dementia and was having anxiety attacks daily where he just couldn't be calmed down. It was like he was on the front lines, and there were bombs going off everywhere around him. It was sad and he was destructive and scared. It was just hard on him :(

...But he lived a good life. Paul spent several years with him before I came along, which I've heard were filled with all kinds of stories of them together rock-climbing and just doing everything together. Where there was Paul, there was Jager. When I met Jager I he was 8 and I guessed that he was no more than 2. That's how good Paul took care of him, and it's the love that he showed that sweet puppy that let me know just how loving and kind he would be to his own kiddos one day. He was a special puppy with a special bond...that will never be broken!
Jager snuggling with a very preggo Kali |
Our last Christmas with the big man :( |
Dakota *aka Kota* is our 10 yr old pup now. Hard to believe he is that old considering his youthful playfulness. He will still retrieve a ball or swim until he collapses, although 'the chase' isn't as long as it used to be. He's the most gentle dog I've ever seen, and therefore gets bullied by everyone. Daisy even picks on him, even though she's half his weight. Poor thing. Kota is my empathetic pup. If ever mommy is sad there is Kota trying to crawl on top of me, licking my face...basically doing everything to try to comfort me. He is the peace keeper, the lover, and definitely a girl's best friend. Although if it came to choosing me or Paul, I think he might just choose Paul. The love he has for him is real.

Daisy *aka The Beast* is our only girl pup. It's hard to believe I've had her for 11 years. It's been a trying 11 years at times with the ups and downs of a dog that is fear aggressive. I assume most people think she's insanely mean when they first meet her because it sounds like shes going to tear into you. However, she is truly a sweet pup. We're finding out just how tolerating she is recently as Norah hit her in the face with a pen repeatedly and she just sat there and took it. She's been my little 'work in progress' for a long time now, but I still love her. She always cuddles with me when I feel sick and don't want to get out of bed. It's sweet! And she's made amazing progress from where she used to be until now. Paul has done a world of good for this sweet pup, giving her love and showing her that all men are not going to be mean to her. He's gained her affection and trust very early on and because of it their relationship is so sweet for me to witness.
They weren't always together as brothers and sisters, but they will forever be! Kota and Daisy miss their brother dearly...they've been moping around for months I'm sure wondering where he might have gone. It's sweet and sad all at the same time.
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