Dear Sweet, Sweet Norah,
I was a little concerned about your little sister arriving shortly before you turned two.You know, that horrible age where you're supposed to throw temper tantrums and drive me crazy! Well, you must have missed the memo kid, because I am LOVING you at this age. You're the sweetest, kindest little girl a mommy could ask for. More importantly, you've adjusted tremendously well to your new sister and treat her with such sweetness that it just makes me want to cry. I didn't always have the best relationship with my sisters growing up, so it's my goal to help establish the life-long bond that you will have with her be as
UNBREAKABLE as possible. You'll learn that you need each other even more than you need me or Daddy.
A few days ago when your sister was crying, you ran to get her a toy and put it in her hand to help her feel better. When you said goodnight to everyone last night, you kissed Lainey's forehead and lips three times, and then told her you loved her. It's as sweet as pure sugar cane. :) I guess I might have a small hand in it since I am constantly encouraging you to interact and 'help' mommy with changing diapers, dressing and bathing Lainey. Anything that I can think of to help you stay/get involved with your sister. Although, the times when I don't ask and you are kind to her, makes my heart the happiest. Like the time I looked in the backseat when we were in Austin, and you were
holding Lainey's hand because she was crying. Even in your little toddler speak I can tell you adore her. You also told me that she was pretty after we put a new outfit on her. I know you can't wait to run around and play with her...soon my love...very soon!
You've been kind, and sweet, and have not been jealous about her in the slightest, even though the amount of attention is definitely swayed heavier in her direction. It's shocking how few incidents we've had considering you're still so small yourself. You shock and amaze me everyday you little Turkeyhead. I have seen what an amazingly sweet little girl you are and are becoming. You somehow understand that little Laineybug is slightly more important than you right now, and you even listen to me when I tell you that you have to be quiet because she is sleeping. You're so cute when you to tell
me to 'shhh' because the baby went night night.
Trust me...I know ;)
Somehow, even though it hardly seems possible, you are growing cuter and cuter by the day. I am so grateful to have you in my life. I hope you feel that love from me each and every day!
You make my <3 happy!